Kamis, 22 April 2010

Assessment 1

Akper PB/2a/tgs patient's assessment 1/Jadoras Pohan & Weliya Sari

Written :
Jadoras Putra Buah Hati Pohan
Welia Sari
Class : 2A

Jadoras as Patient
Weliya as Nurse

One day, there is a patient carred in Murai room. There is nurse come to the patient to check health condition (Head, Face, and Neck)

Nurse : Good Morning, Sir?
Patient : Good Morning, Nurse
Nurse : I am Nurse Weli, I will take care of you today. How are you feeling today?
Patient : I am afraid, I have headache
Nurse : OK, Now it is time for me to observer your head, face and neck.
Patient : Yes Nurse
Nurse : (Nurse obrerving a head)
Sorry, I want to check yous hair
Patient : Oh. . yes, Nurse : Well, Did you ever dyed hair?
Patient : No, I didn't
Nurse : Have you any complaints on your face?
Patien : No, I haven't
Nurse : Next, I want to check your neck. Now, I want to bend you neck with chin toward the ceiling
Patient : (doing the intruction)
Nurse : I want to press on your neck, tell me if you feelpain
Patient : It doesn't hurt
Nurse : Now, bend down you head until your chin toward you chest
Patient : (doing the instruction)
Nurse : Please, tilt you hend, I want to check your vena jugolaris
Patien : (doing intruction)
Nurse : Ok fine, That's it
Patient : Any problem about my neck nurse?
Nurse : No, you neck is very good. So you need more rest
Patien : Ok, I will follow your instruction
Nurse : Ok Mr.Doras, I think enough my assessment. See you
Patient : Thank you nurse

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