Sifilis adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri (Treponema pallidum). Infeksi awal menyebabkan tukak lambung pada tempat infeksi. Sifilis sering dikenal sebagai Raja Singa
Coused bakteri (Treponema pallidum
gejala sipilis akan muncul dalam empat tahap
1. Tahap primer
Terjadi 9-10 hari setelah terinfeksi
Bangkitlah yang tidak menyakitkan luka di penis, vulva bibir atau leher rahim.
2. Tahap sekunder
Terjadi beberapa bulan setelah tahap pertama
n Gejala gangguan kulit tidak bintik-bintik merah gatal, terutama pada telapak tangan dan kaki.
n Ada pembesaran kelenjar getah bening di seluruh tubuh.
n Juga dapat kutil di sekitar alat kelamin dan anus.
3. Tahap laten
Tidak ada keluhan atau gejala, tetapi infeksi terus untuk menyerang peralatan atau bagian tubuh lainnya.
Kondisi ini hanya dapat dilihat melalui pemeriksaan darah khusus sipilis.
4. Tahap Akhir
Terjadi setelah 5-30 tahun sifilis tahap II. Ada kerusakan pada instrumen
tubuh penting yang menetap di otak, jantung dan pembuluh darah, serat
saraf dan sumsum tulang belakang.
Transmisi dari bakteri biasanya terjadi pada:
Sifilis diobati dengan penisilin, biasanya dikelola oleh injeksi. Seseorang biasanya tidak lagi menularkan sifilis awal 24 jam setelah perawatan.
Orang dengan sifilis neuro-mungkin perlu diuji ulang sampai 2 tahun setelah perawatan.
Minggu, 21 Maret 2010
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a bacterium (Treponema pallidum). The initial infection causes an ulcer at the site of infection. Syphilis is often known as the Raja Singa
Coused Bacterium (Treponema pallidum
syphilis symptoms will appear in four stages
1. Primary Stage
Occurs 9-10 days after infection
Arise that are not painful wounds in the penis, vulva lips or cervix.
2. Secondary Stage
Occurred several months after the first stage
n Symptoms of skin disorders are not itchy red spots, especially on palms and soles.
n There were enlarged lymph nodes throughout the body.
n Can also be warts around the genitals and anus.
3. Latent Stage
There are no complaints or symptoms, but the infection continued to attack equipment or other body parts.
This condition can only be seen through special blood tests syphilis.
4. Late Stage
Occur after 5-30 years of syphilis stage II. There is damage to the instrument
an important body that persist in the brain, blood vessels and heart, fibers
nerves and spinal cord.
Transmition of the bacteria usually occurs during :
Oral sex
Syphilis is treated with penicillin, usually administered by injection. A person no longer usually transmits syphilis 24 hours after beginning treatment.
Persons with neuro-syphilis may need to be retested for up to 2 years after treatment.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a bacterium (Treponema pallidum). The initial infection causes an ulcer at the site of infection. Syphilis is often known as the Raja Singa
Coused Bacterium (Treponema pallidum
syphilis symptoms will appear in four stages
1. Primary Stage
Occurs 9-10 days after infection
Arise that are not painful wounds in the penis, vulva lips or cervix.
2. Secondary Stage
Occurred several months after the first stage
n Symptoms of skin disorders are not itchy red spots, especially on palms and soles.
n There were enlarged lymph nodes throughout the body.
n Can also be warts around the genitals and anus.
3. Latent Stage
There are no complaints or symptoms, but the infection continued to attack equipment or other body parts.
This condition can only be seen through special blood tests syphilis.
4. Late Stage
Occur after 5-30 years of syphilis stage II. There is damage to the instrument
an important body that persist in the brain, blood vessels and heart, fibers
nerves and spinal cord.
Transmition of the bacteria usually occurs during :
Oral sex
Syphilis is treated with penicillin, usually administered by injection. A person no longer usually transmits syphilis 24 hours after beginning treatment.
Persons with neuro-syphilis may need to be retested for up to 2 years after treatment.
Selasa, 09 Maret 2010
Dengue fever
Dengue fever
Dengue fever (DB) or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) are acute febril disease found in tropical areas, with geographic distribution similar to malaria. The disease is caused by one of the four serotypes of the virus from the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. Each serotype is different enough so that no cross-protection and epidemics caused by several serotypes (hiperendemisitas) can occur. Dengue fever is spread to humans by the mosquito Aedes aegypti.
Dengue Virus
The disease is indicated by the appearance of fever suddenly, accompanied by severe headaches, pain in joints and muscles (myalgia and arthralgia) and rashes; rash of dengue fever have a characteristic bright red, petekial and usually appear first on the lower body - the some patients, it spread to cover almost the entire body. In addition, stomach ulcers could also arise with the combination of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, mild colds with coughing. This alert condition needs to be addressed with a broad knowledge of the patient or family to consult a doctor immediately if the patient / patient experienced a high fever 3 days in a row. Many patients or patient families experiencing a fatal condition because he considered mild symptoms.
Dengue fever is generally the length of about six or seven days with a fever that peaks occur at the smaller end of fever. Clinically, the platelet count will fall until the patient is considered afebril.
After the shoot / incubation for 3 - 15 days the infected person can experience / suffer from this disease in one of the following 4 forms:
• Establish abortif, a patient does not feel any symptoms.
• classic dengue, the patient had high fever for 4 to 7 days, pain, bone pain, followed by the appearance of spots or patches of bleeding under the skin.
• Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (Dengue Fever dengue / DHF) symptoms similar to classic dengue plus bleeding from the nose (epistaksis / nosebleeds), mouth, anus, etc..
• Dengue Shock Syndrome, symptoms similar to dengue shock plus / presyok. These forms often lead to death.
Because of frequent bleeding and shock, then the disease mortality rate is high, therefore any patient suspected of having dengue fever disease in any level must be taken to a doctor or hospital, given the subject to the shock / death.
The cause of dengue fever shows higher fever, bleeding, thrombocytopenia and hemokonsentrasi. A number of small cases can lead to dengue shock syndrome which has a high mortality rate.
The diagnosis of dengue fever usually done clinically. Usually what happens is fever without a source of infection, rash petekial with thrombocytopenia and relative leukopenia.
Serology and polymerase chain reaction is available to confirm the diagnosis of dengue if clinically indicated.
Diagnose dengue fever at an early stage can reduce the risk of death rather than waiting for acute.
There is no vaccine commercially available for dengue fever.
Primary prevention of dengue fever is on eliminating or reducing the mosquito vector of dengue fever. Initiatives to eliminate pools of water that is not useful (eg in flowerpots) have proven useful for controlling diseases caused by mosquitoes, drain the tub once every week, and throwing things - things that can cause dengue fever mosquito nest Aedes aegypti.
Things to do to stay healthy in order to avoid dengue fever, as follows:
1. Doing good habits, such as eating nutritious foods, regular exercise and adequate rest;
2. Entered a period of transition, note the cleanliness of the neighborhood and did 3M, which drained the tub, closed container that can hold water, and bury the things that can be used nests developments mosquito larva, even though buried in the former goods not good, because it can pollute the soil. It would be better if the former things are recycled;
3. Fogging or fumigation will only kill adult mosquitoes, while abate powder will kill larvae in the water. Both must be done to break the chains mosquito breeding;
4. Immediately give febrifuge for fever if the patient has a fever or high heat;
5. If signs of shock, immediately take the patient to the hospital.
The most important part of treatment is supportive therapy. The patients are advised to keep the absorption of food, especially in liquid form. If it can not be done, adding with intravenous fluids may be needed to prevent dehydration and excessive hemokonsentrasi. Platelet transfusions performed if the platelet count dropped dramatically.
Alternative medicine is commonly known by drinking guava juice bangkok, but Khasiatnya never medically proven, but the fact guava can restore fluids intravenously. Yet the combination of management conducted in medical and alternative must be considered.
The first outbreak occurred in the 1780s simultaneously in Asia, Africa, and North America. The disease is then recognized and named in 1779. Global large outbreak began in Southeast Asia in the 1950s and until 1975 dengue has become a major cause of death that occurs among children in the area.
Dengue fever (DB) or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) are acute febril disease found in tropical areas, with geographic distribution similar to malaria. The disease is caused by one of the four serotypes of the virus from the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. Each serotype is different enough so that no cross-protection and epidemics caused by several serotypes (hiperendemisitas) can occur. Dengue fever is spread to humans by the mosquito Aedes aegypti.
Dengue Virus
The disease is indicated by the appearance of fever suddenly, accompanied by severe headaches, pain in joints and muscles (myalgia and arthralgia) and rashes; rash of dengue fever have a characteristic bright red, petekial and usually appear first on the lower body - the some patients, it spread to cover almost the entire body. In addition, stomach ulcers could also arise with the combination of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, mild colds with coughing. This alert condition needs to be addressed with a broad knowledge of the patient or family to consult a doctor immediately if the patient / patient experienced a high fever 3 days in a row. Many patients or patient families experiencing a fatal condition because he considered mild symptoms.
Dengue fever is generally the length of about six or seven days with a fever that peaks occur at the smaller end of fever. Clinically, the platelet count will fall until the patient is considered afebril.
After the shoot / incubation for 3 - 15 days the infected person can experience / suffer from this disease in one of the following 4 forms:
• Establish abortif, a patient does not feel any symptoms.
• classic dengue, the patient had high fever for 4 to 7 days, pain, bone pain, followed by the appearance of spots or patches of bleeding under the skin.
• Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (Dengue Fever dengue / DHF) symptoms similar to classic dengue plus bleeding from the nose (epistaksis / nosebleeds), mouth, anus, etc..
• Dengue Shock Syndrome, symptoms similar to dengue shock plus / presyok. These forms often lead to death.
Because of frequent bleeding and shock, then the disease mortality rate is high, therefore any patient suspected of having dengue fever disease in any level must be taken to a doctor or hospital, given the subject to the shock / death.
The cause of dengue fever shows higher fever, bleeding, thrombocytopenia and hemokonsentrasi. A number of small cases can lead to dengue shock syndrome which has a high mortality rate.
The diagnosis of dengue fever usually done clinically. Usually what happens is fever without a source of infection, rash petekial with thrombocytopenia and relative leukopenia.
Serology and polymerase chain reaction is available to confirm the diagnosis of dengue if clinically indicated.
Diagnose dengue fever at an early stage can reduce the risk of death rather than waiting for acute.
There is no vaccine commercially available for dengue fever.
Primary prevention of dengue fever is on eliminating or reducing the mosquito vector of dengue fever. Initiatives to eliminate pools of water that is not useful (eg in flowerpots) have proven useful for controlling diseases caused by mosquitoes, drain the tub once every week, and throwing things - things that can cause dengue fever mosquito nest Aedes aegypti.
Things to do to stay healthy in order to avoid dengue fever, as follows:
1. Doing good habits, such as eating nutritious foods, regular exercise and adequate rest;
2. Entered a period of transition, note the cleanliness of the neighborhood and did 3M, which drained the tub, closed container that can hold water, and bury the things that can be used nests developments mosquito larva, even though buried in the former goods not good, because it can pollute the soil. It would be better if the former things are recycled;
3. Fogging or fumigation will only kill adult mosquitoes, while abate powder will kill larvae in the water. Both must be done to break the chains mosquito breeding;
4. Immediately give febrifuge for fever if the patient has a fever or high heat;
5. If signs of shock, immediately take the patient to the hospital.
The most important part of treatment is supportive therapy. The patients are advised to keep the absorption of food, especially in liquid form. If it can not be done, adding with intravenous fluids may be needed to prevent dehydration and excessive hemokonsentrasi. Platelet transfusions performed if the platelet count dropped dramatically.
Alternative medicine is commonly known by drinking guava juice bangkok, but Khasiatnya never medically proven, but the fact guava can restore fluids intravenously. Yet the combination of management conducted in medical and alternative must be considered.
The first outbreak occurred in the 1780s simultaneously in Asia, Africa, and North America. The disease is then recognized and named in 1779. Global large outbreak began in Southeast Asia in the 1950s and until 1975 dengue has become a major cause of death that occurs among children in the area.
Appendicitis is a condition in which the infection occurs in the appendix. In mild cases may recover without treatment, but many cases require laparotomy with removal of the infected appendix.
Classification of appendicitis is divided into 2 namely:
Acute appendicitis, were divided into:
Acute appendicitis fokalis or segmentalis, which will occur after the recovery of local stricture. Purulenta Appendisitis diffusion, which is already stacked pus.
Chronic appendicitis, divided up: Appendicitis chronic fokalis or partial, recovery will occur after the local stricture. Chronic appendicitis appendix obliteritiva the side, usually found in old age.
Anatomy and Physiology of the Appendix is a small organ and vestigial (an organ that does not work) which is attached a third finger.
Location of the appendix.
Appendix at the end of the sacrum is located approximately 2 cm below the anterior ileo saekum, tributaries of the posterior and medial part of saekum. At the third meeting of the taenia: taenia anterior, medial and posterior. In appendix clinic located in Mc region. Burney is the 1 / 3 the line connecting the center-right Messiah.
The size and contents of the appendix.
Long appendix average 6 to 9 cm. Width from 0.3 to 0.7 cm. Fill 0.1 cc, the alkaline fluid containing amylase and musin.
The position of the appendix.
Laterosekal: ascending colon laterally. In the inguinal region: turned in the direction of the abdominal wall. Pelvis minor.
The occurrence of acute appendicitis is generally caused by bacterial infection. But there are many factors trigger the occurrence of this disease. Including obstruction that occurs in the lumen of the appendix. Obstruction in the lumen of the appendix is usually caused by a heap of hard stools (fekalit), hipeplasia lymphoid tissue, worm diseases, parasites, foreign bodies in the body, the primary cancer and stricture. But the most common cause is obstruction of the appendix lumen fekalit and lymphoid tissue hyperplasia. (Irga, 2007)
Appendix terinflamasi and experienced edema as a result of the possibility of folding or blocked by fekolit (hard mass of faeces) or a foreign object. The process of inflammation increased intraluminal pressure, causing upper abdominal pain or a great spread progressively, in a few hours localized in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. Finally, the appendix which contained pus terinflamasi.
Clinical Manifestation
Appendicitis has a unique combination of symptoms, which consists of: Nausea, vomiting and great pain in the lower right abdomen. Pain may be sudden starts in the upper abdomen or around the navel, and nausea and vomiting. After several hours, the nausea disappeared and the pain moved to the lower right abdomen. If doctors hit this area, the patient felt dull pain and if this pressure is released, the pain may increase sharply. Fever may reach 37,8-38,8 ° Celsius.
In infants and children, the pain is a thorough, in all parts of the stomach. In the parents and pregnant women, the pain is not too heavy and in this area is not too tumpulnya pain felt. If the appendix ruptured, pain and fever can be severe. Worse infection can cause shock. (Anon, Appendicitis, 2007)
Diagnostic tests
To establish the diagnosis of appendicitis based on anamnese coupled with laboratory tests and other investigations.
Symptoms of appendicitis is established with anamnese, there are 4 important things: first pain in epigastrium (visceral pain) that some time later spread to the lower right abdomen. Vomiting due to visceral pain. Heat (because germs that live in the intestinal wall).
Other symptoms are a weak body and loss of appetite, the patient appeared ill, preventing movement, pain in the stomach.
Localization another examination.
If perforation has occurred, the pain will occur in the stomach, but most felt pain in the area Mc point. Burney. If it infiltrates, local infections also occur if the person can withstand pain, and we will feel like a tumor at the point of Mc. Burney.
Test rectal.
In the toucher rectal examination will be palpable lump and the patient felt pain in prolitotomi area.
Leukocytes increased laboratory examination as a physiological response to protect the body against microorganisms that attack.
In acute appendicitis and perforation will occur lekositosis higher. Hb (hemoglobin) appeared normal. Creep rate of blood (LED) to increase the state of appendicitis infiltrates. Routine urine is important to see what there is infection in the kidney. On radiological examination can not help the image for diagnosis of acute appendicitis, except in case of peritonitis, but sometimes can be found in the following picture: There is a fluid level due to air and liquids. Sometimes there fecolit (obstruction). Perforation was found on the state of free air in the diaphragm.
Surgery is indicated when the diagnosis of appendicitis has been established. Antibiotics and IV fluids given to surgery. analgesics can be given after the diagnosis is established. Apendektomi (surgery to remove the appendix) as soon as possible to reduce the risk of perforation.
Apendektomi can be done under general or spinal anesthesia with a lower abdominal incision or by laparoscopy, which is the latest method is very effective. Concept Farm Nursing Before the surgery the client needs to be prepared physically and psychologically, besides that the client also needs to be given the knowledge of the events that will be experienced after surgery and given physical exercises (deep breathing, leg movement and sitting) for use in post operative period. This is important because many clients feel anxious or worried when will the surgery and anesthesia as well against acceptance.
Appendicitis is a condition in which the infection occurs in the appendix. In mild cases may recover without treatment, but many cases require laparotomy with removal of the infected appendix.
Classification of appendicitis is divided into 2 namely:
Acute appendicitis, were divided into:
Acute appendicitis fokalis or segmentalis, which will occur after the recovery of local stricture. Purulenta Appendisitis diffusion, which is already stacked pus.
Chronic appendicitis, divided up: Appendicitis chronic fokalis or partial, recovery will occur after the local stricture. Chronic appendicitis appendix obliteritiva the side, usually found in old age.
Anatomy and Physiology of the Appendix is a small organ and vestigial (an organ that does not work) which is attached a third finger.
Location of the appendix.
Appendix at the end of the sacrum is located approximately 2 cm below the anterior ileo saekum, tributaries of the posterior and medial part of saekum. At the third meeting of the taenia: taenia anterior, medial and posterior. In appendix clinic located in Mc region. Burney is the 1 / 3 the line connecting the center-right Messiah.
The size and contents of the appendix.
Long appendix average 6 to 9 cm. Width from 0.3 to 0.7 cm. Fill 0.1 cc, the alkaline fluid containing amylase and musin.
The position of the appendix.
Laterosekal: ascending colon laterally. In the inguinal region: turned in the direction of the abdominal wall. Pelvis minor.
The occurrence of acute appendicitis is generally caused by bacterial infection. But there are many factors trigger the occurrence of this disease. Including obstruction that occurs in the lumen of the appendix. Obstruction in the lumen of the appendix is usually caused by a heap of hard stools (fekalit), hipeplasia lymphoid tissue, worm diseases, parasites, foreign bodies in the body, the primary cancer and stricture. But the most common cause is obstruction of the appendix lumen fekalit and lymphoid tissue hyperplasia. (Irga, 2007)
Appendix terinflamasi and experienced edema as a result of the possibility of folding or blocked by fekolit (hard mass of faeces) or a foreign object. The process of inflammation increased intraluminal pressure, causing upper abdominal pain or a great spread progressively, in a few hours localized in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. Finally, the appendix which contained pus terinflamasi.
Clinical Manifestation
Appendicitis has a unique combination of symptoms, which consists of: Nausea, vomiting and great pain in the lower right abdomen. Pain may be sudden starts in the upper abdomen or around the navel, and nausea and vomiting. After several hours, the nausea disappeared and the pain moved to the lower right abdomen. If doctors hit this area, the patient felt dull pain and if this pressure is released, the pain may increase sharply. Fever may reach 37,8-38,8 ° Celsius.
In infants and children, the pain is a thorough, in all parts of the stomach. In the parents and pregnant women, the pain is not too heavy and in this area is not too tumpulnya pain felt. If the appendix ruptured, pain and fever can be severe. Worse infection can cause shock. (Anon, Appendicitis, 2007)
Diagnostic tests
To establish the diagnosis of appendicitis based on anamnese coupled with laboratory tests and other investigations.
Symptoms of appendicitis is established with anamnese, there are 4 important things: first pain in epigastrium (visceral pain) that some time later spread to the lower right abdomen. Vomiting due to visceral pain. Heat (because germs that live in the intestinal wall).
Other symptoms are a weak body and loss of appetite, the patient appeared ill, preventing movement, pain in the stomach.
Localization another examination.
If perforation has occurred, the pain will occur in the stomach, but most felt pain in the area Mc point. Burney. If it infiltrates, local infections also occur if the person can withstand pain, and we will feel like a tumor at the point of Mc. Burney.
Test rectal.
In the toucher rectal examination will be palpable lump and the patient felt pain in prolitotomi area.
Leukocytes increased laboratory examination as a physiological response to protect the body against microorganisms that attack.
In acute appendicitis and perforation will occur lekositosis higher. Hb (hemoglobin) appeared normal. Creep rate of blood (LED) to increase the state of appendicitis infiltrates. Routine urine is important to see what there is infection in the kidney. On radiological examination can not help the image for diagnosis of acute appendicitis, except in case of peritonitis, but sometimes can be found in the following picture: There is a fluid level due to air and liquids. Sometimes there fecolit (obstruction). Perforation was found on the state of free air in the diaphragm.
Surgery is indicated when the diagnosis of appendicitis has been established. Antibiotics and IV fluids given to surgery. analgesics can be given after the diagnosis is established. Apendektomi (surgery to remove the appendix) as soon as possible to reduce the risk of perforation.
Apendektomi can be done under general or spinal anesthesia with a lower abdominal incision or by laparoscopy, which is the latest method is very effective. Concept Farm Nursing Before the surgery the client needs to be prepared physically and psychologically, besides that the client also needs to be given the knowledge of the events that will be experienced after surgery and given physical exercises (deep breathing, leg movement and sitting) for use in post operative period. This is important because many clients feel anxious or worried when will the surgery and anesthesia as well against acceptance.
1. Definition
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a bacterium (Treponema pallidum). The initial infection causes an ulcer at the site of infection.
2. Causes
Syphilis is caused by the bacterium treponema pallidum. Transmition of the bacteria usually occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
3. Symptoms
The syphilis bacteria are passed from person to person through direct contact with:
a) Primary Stage
A single, painless sore, called a chancre (shan-ker), appears in the first, or primary stage, about 10 days to 90 days after infection. The sore can appear on the vulva, vagina, cervix, tongue, lips, or other parts of the body, including inside the body. Twenty-one days after infection is the most common time frame in which the sore appears. The sore heals with or without treatment. In this stage, syphilis can be passed to others through contact with an open sore during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. If the infection is not treated, it moves to the next, or secondary, stage.
b) Secondary Stage
In the secondary stage, which starts three to six weeks after the sore appears, some or all of these symptoms can appear:
Skin rash with rough, red or reddish-brown spots both on the palms of the hands and bottoms of the feet. The rash usually does not itch. Rashes with a different appearance may occur on other parts of the body.
Sores on the throat, mouth, or cervix
Sore throat and swollen lymph glands
Patchy hair loss on the head and other parts of the body
Headaches and muscle aches
Weight loss
During vaginal, anal, or oral sex, contact with open sores or contact with the rash can spread the infection to others. The symptoms of secondary syphilis will resolve with or without treatment. But without treatment, the infection will progress to the latent and late stages of disease.
c) Latent Stage
The next stage is called the latent or hidden stage. This stage can start from two years to over thirty years after initial infection. After symptoms from the secondary stage disappear, a relapse of the second stage of syphilis can happen, when those symptoms come back. If a relapse happens, the disease can be passed to others. Otherwise, the disease cannot be passed to another person. Even without treatment, some people with latent syphilis do not go on to develop late stage syphilis. But others will go on to develop late stage syphilis.
d) Late Stage
In the late stage of syphilis, some people suffer damage to the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and joints. Complications may include small bumps or tumors on organs, blindness, insanity, or paralysis. This stage can last for years. Some people may die from the disease. You will only reach this stage if you have not received treatment earlier. If you have syphilis, get treated as soon as possible to avoid these problems.
4. Treatment
Syphilis is treated with penicillin, usually administered by injection. A person no longer usually transmits syphilis 24 hours after beginning treatment.
Some people, however, do not respond to the usual doses of penicillin, therefore, it is important that people being treated for syphilis have periodic blood tests to check that the bacteria has been completely destroyed. Persons with neuro-syphilis may need to be retested for up to 2 years after treatment.
People with an allergic reaction to penicillin should consult their doctor for appropriate antibiotic advice. Safe, effective, single-dose oral antibiotic treatment for syphilis is being sought for people who are allergic to penicillin (10% of population).
Proper treatment in all stages of the disease will cure the disease, but in late syphilis, damage already done to body organs cannot be reversed.
To Preventing syphilis disease :
Faithful to one partner
Avoid Free Sex
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a bacterium (Treponema pallidum). The initial infection causes an ulcer at the site of infection.
2. Causes
Syphilis is caused by the bacterium treponema pallidum. Transmition of the bacteria usually occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
3. Symptoms
The syphilis bacteria are passed from person to person through direct contact with:
a) Primary Stage
A single, painless sore, called a chancre (shan-ker), appears in the first, or primary stage, about 10 days to 90 days after infection. The sore can appear on the vulva, vagina, cervix, tongue, lips, or other parts of the body, including inside the body. Twenty-one days after infection is the most common time frame in which the sore appears. The sore heals with or without treatment. In this stage, syphilis can be passed to others through contact with an open sore during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. If the infection is not treated, it moves to the next, or secondary, stage.
b) Secondary Stage
In the secondary stage, which starts three to six weeks after the sore appears, some or all of these symptoms can appear:
Skin rash with rough, red or reddish-brown spots both on the palms of the hands and bottoms of the feet. The rash usually does not itch. Rashes with a different appearance may occur on other parts of the body.
Sores on the throat, mouth, or cervix
Sore throat and swollen lymph glands
Patchy hair loss on the head and other parts of the body
Headaches and muscle aches
Weight loss
During vaginal, anal, or oral sex, contact with open sores or contact with the rash can spread the infection to others. The symptoms of secondary syphilis will resolve with or without treatment. But without treatment, the infection will progress to the latent and late stages of disease.
c) Latent Stage
The next stage is called the latent or hidden stage. This stage can start from two years to over thirty years after initial infection. After symptoms from the secondary stage disappear, a relapse of the second stage of syphilis can happen, when those symptoms come back. If a relapse happens, the disease can be passed to others. Otherwise, the disease cannot be passed to another person. Even without treatment, some people with latent syphilis do not go on to develop late stage syphilis. But others will go on to develop late stage syphilis.
d) Late Stage
In the late stage of syphilis, some people suffer damage to the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and joints. Complications may include small bumps or tumors on organs, blindness, insanity, or paralysis. This stage can last for years. Some people may die from the disease. You will only reach this stage if you have not received treatment earlier. If you have syphilis, get treated as soon as possible to avoid these problems.
4. Treatment
Syphilis is treated with penicillin, usually administered by injection. A person no longer usually transmits syphilis 24 hours after beginning treatment.
Some people, however, do not respond to the usual doses of penicillin, therefore, it is important that people being treated for syphilis have periodic blood tests to check that the bacteria has been completely destroyed. Persons with neuro-syphilis may need to be retested for up to 2 years after treatment.
People with an allergic reaction to penicillin should consult their doctor for appropriate antibiotic advice. Safe, effective, single-dose oral antibiotic treatment for syphilis is being sought for people who are allergic to penicillin (10% of population).
Proper treatment in all stages of the disease will cure the disease, but in late syphilis, damage already done to body organs cannot be reversed.
To Preventing syphilis disease :
Faithful to one partner
Avoid Free Sex
What is AIDS?
AIDS stands for (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). When HIV (Human Immunodeviciency Virus) infection becomes advanced it often is referred to as AIDS. It generally occurs when the CD4 count is below 200/mL and is characterized by the appearance of opportunistic infections. These are infections that take advantage of a weakened immune system and include:
• Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
• Toxoplasmosis
• Tuberculosis
• Extreme weight loss and wasting; exacerbated by diarrhea which can be experienced in up to 90% of HIV patients worldwide
• Meningitis and other brain infections
• Fungal infections
• Syphilis
• Malignancies such as lymphoma, cervical cancer, and
• Kaposi's Sarcoma
AIDS are causes by a virus (human imunodevicyenci virus),it can be transmitted through :
1. Unprotected sex
2. Direct blood contact (including intravenous needles, blood transfusions, and accidents in health care settings) or certain blood products
3. Mother to baby (before or during birth, and through breast milk)
Infectious Fluids
4. HIV can be transmitted sexually through:
Blood (including menstrual blood)
5. Vaginal secretions
Blood contains the highest concentration of the virus, followed by semen, followed by vaginal fluids.
In people with AIDS, these infections are often severe, and sometimes fatal, because the immune system is so ravaged by HIV that the body cannot fight off certain bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and other microbes. Common AIDS symptoms that stem from these opportunistic infections include:
• Coughing and shortness of breath
• Seizures and lack of coordination
• Difficult or painful swallowing
• Mental symptoms, such as confusion and forgetfulness
• Severe and persistent diarrhea
• Fever
• Vision loss
• Nausea, abdominal (stomach) cramps, and vomiting
• Weight loss and extreme fatigue
• Severe headaches
• Coma.
What Treatments Are Available For HIV And AIDS?
When AIDS first surfaced in the United States, no drugs were available to combat the underlying immune deficiency, and few treatments existed for the opportunistic infections that resulted. Over the past 10 years, however, therapies have been developed to fight both HIV infection and its associated infections and cancers.
• Some medications target HIV itself, to reduce the virus's assault on the immune system, or to even prevent the virus, from entering human immune cells.
• Other treatments are used to treat or prevent specific opportunistic infections that threaten the health of people with HIV-damaged immune systems.
Antiretroviral drugs have side effects that can limit their use in some people.
• AZT, for example, may result in a loss of blood cells.
• Protease inhibitors can cause nausea, diarrhea, and other symptoms.
1. no free sex
2. don’t use syringe together
3. don’t doing blood transmision if you not trust the medicine toll used
4. no kissing
5. keep your imune system with eat health food and do sport everyday.
AIDS stands for (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). When HIV (Human Immunodeviciency Virus) infection becomes advanced it often is referred to as AIDS. It generally occurs when the CD4 count is below 200/mL and is characterized by the appearance of opportunistic infections. These are infections that take advantage of a weakened immune system and include:
• Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
• Toxoplasmosis
• Tuberculosis
• Extreme weight loss and wasting; exacerbated by diarrhea which can be experienced in up to 90% of HIV patients worldwide
• Meningitis and other brain infections
• Fungal infections
• Syphilis
• Malignancies such as lymphoma, cervical cancer, and
• Kaposi's Sarcoma
AIDS are causes by a virus (human imunodevicyenci virus),it can be transmitted through :
1. Unprotected sex
2. Direct blood contact (including intravenous needles, blood transfusions, and accidents in health care settings) or certain blood products
3. Mother to baby (before or during birth, and through breast milk)
Infectious Fluids
4. HIV can be transmitted sexually through:
Blood (including menstrual blood)
5. Vaginal secretions
Blood contains the highest concentration of the virus, followed by semen, followed by vaginal fluids.
In people with AIDS, these infections are often severe, and sometimes fatal, because the immune system is so ravaged by HIV that the body cannot fight off certain bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and other microbes. Common AIDS symptoms that stem from these opportunistic infections include:
• Coughing and shortness of breath
• Seizures and lack of coordination
• Difficult or painful swallowing
• Mental symptoms, such as confusion and forgetfulness
• Severe and persistent diarrhea
• Fever
• Vision loss
• Nausea, abdominal (stomach) cramps, and vomiting
• Weight loss and extreme fatigue
• Severe headaches
• Coma.
What Treatments Are Available For HIV And AIDS?
When AIDS first surfaced in the United States, no drugs were available to combat the underlying immune deficiency, and few treatments existed for the opportunistic infections that resulted. Over the past 10 years, however, therapies have been developed to fight both HIV infection and its associated infections and cancers.
• Some medications target HIV itself, to reduce the virus's assault on the immune system, or to even prevent the virus, from entering human immune cells.
• Other treatments are used to treat or prevent specific opportunistic infections that threaten the health of people with HIV-damaged immune systems.
Antiretroviral drugs have side effects that can limit their use in some people.
• AZT, for example, may result in a loss of blood cells.
• Protease inhibitors can cause nausea, diarrhea, and other symptoms.
1. no free sex
2. don’t use syringe together
3. don’t doing blood transmision if you not trust the medicine toll used
4. no kissing
5. keep your imune system with eat health food and do sport everyday.
1. Definition
Inflammation is a local protective response generated by tissue injury or damage, which serves to destroy, reduce, or bracket (sequestration) both agent and network pencedera injury (Dorland, 2002).
2. Caused
Agents that can cause tissue injury, which was followed by inflammation of the germs (microorganisms), objects (knives, bullets, etc..), Temperature (hot or cold), various types of rays (X rays or ultraviolet light), electricity, substances chemical substances, and others. Agents that can cause tissue injury, which was followed by inflammation of the Germs (Microorganisms), objects (knives, bullets, etc. ..), Temperature (hot or cold), various types of rays (X rays or ultraviolet light), electricity , substances chemical substances, and others. Inflammatory injury caused by various agents Inflammatory injury caused by various agents This indicates that the subjects have the same, namely tissue injury occurs in the form of degeneration (deterioration) or necrosis (death) network, capillary dilation injury accompanied by capillary wall, fluid gathering and cells (liquid plasma, blood cells and tissue cells ) on the inflammation that is accompanied by a proliferation of tissue cells macrophages and fibroblasts, the process of phagocytosis, and the occurrence of changes imunologik (Rukmono, 1973). This Indicates that the subjects have the same, namely tissue injury occurs in the form of degeneration (deterioration) or necrosis (death) network, capillary dilation injury accompanied by capillary wall, fluid gathering and cells (liquid plasma, blood cells and tissue cells) on the inflammation that is accompanied by a proliferation of tissue cells macrophages and fibroblasts, the process of phagocytosis, and the occurrence of changes imunologik (Rukmono, 1973).
3. Symptoms
The signs of inflammation include rubor (redness), heat (heat), dolor (pain), and tumor (swelling). Trees mark the fifth added in the last century, namely functio laesa (change in function) (Abrams, 1995; Rukmono, 1973; Mitchell & Cotran, 2003). The main signs fifth added in the last century is functio laesa (change in function) (Abrams, 1995; Rukmono, 1973; Mitchell & Cotran, 2003).
4. Treatment
Inflamation is treated with penicillin, usually administered by injection. A person no longer usually transmits syphilis 24 hours after beginning treatment.
5. To Preventing inflammations
• Using sterilized
• Release of soluble mediators
• Vasodilation
• Increased blood flow
• Extravasation of fluid (permeability)
• Cellular influx (chemotaxis)
• Elevated cellular metabolism
Inflammation is a local protective response generated by tissue injury or damage, which serves to destroy, reduce, or bracket (sequestration) both agent and network pencedera injury (Dorland, 2002).
2. Caused
Agents that can cause tissue injury, which was followed by inflammation of the germs (microorganisms), objects (knives, bullets, etc..), Temperature (hot or cold), various types of rays (X rays or ultraviolet light), electricity, substances chemical substances, and others. Agents that can cause tissue injury, which was followed by inflammation of the Germs (Microorganisms), objects (knives, bullets, etc. ..), Temperature (hot or cold), various types of rays (X rays or ultraviolet light), electricity , substances chemical substances, and others. Inflammatory injury caused by various agents Inflammatory injury caused by various agents This indicates that the subjects have the same, namely tissue injury occurs in the form of degeneration (deterioration) or necrosis (death) network, capillary dilation injury accompanied by capillary wall, fluid gathering and cells (liquid plasma, blood cells and tissue cells ) on the inflammation that is accompanied by a proliferation of tissue cells macrophages and fibroblasts, the process of phagocytosis, and the occurrence of changes imunologik (Rukmono, 1973). This Indicates that the subjects have the same, namely tissue injury occurs in the form of degeneration (deterioration) or necrosis (death) network, capillary dilation injury accompanied by capillary wall, fluid gathering and cells (liquid plasma, blood cells and tissue cells) on the inflammation that is accompanied by a proliferation of tissue cells macrophages and fibroblasts, the process of phagocytosis, and the occurrence of changes imunologik (Rukmono, 1973).
3. Symptoms
The signs of inflammation include rubor (redness), heat (heat), dolor (pain), and tumor (swelling). Trees mark the fifth added in the last century, namely functio laesa (change in function) (Abrams, 1995; Rukmono, 1973; Mitchell & Cotran, 2003). The main signs fifth added in the last century is functio laesa (change in function) (Abrams, 1995; Rukmono, 1973; Mitchell & Cotran, 2003).
4. Treatment
Inflamation is treated with penicillin, usually administered by injection. A person no longer usually transmits syphilis 24 hours after beginning treatment.
5. To Preventing inflammations
• Using sterilized
• Release of soluble mediators
• Vasodilation
• Increased blood flow
• Extravasation of fluid (permeability)
• Cellular influx (chemotaxis)
• Elevated cellular metabolism
1. Definition
Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs the sufferer's motor skills , speech, and other functions.
2. Etiology
Cerebral atherosclerosis
Viral encephalitis
Side effects of several antipsychotic drugs (i.e., phenothiazides, butyrophenones, reserpine)
3. Symptoms
L Dopa Fairly Effective in Eliminating Most of the Symptoms of Parkinson Disease
Bradykinesia and Rigidity Quickly Respond to L Dopa
Reduction in Tremor Effect with Continued Therapy
L Dopa less Effective in Eliminating Postural Instability and Shuffling Gait Meaning Other Neurotransmitters Are Involved in Parkinson Disease
4. Treathment
Treatment Is to reduce Dose and Put Person on Drug Holiday Where Stop All Medication for 3-21 Days and Then Slowly Reinitiate Therapy to Gradually increasing doses.
Long Term Therapy
Behavioral Disturbances in 20 to 25% of Population
Trouble in Thinking (Cognitive Effects)
L Dopa Can Induce:
– Psychosis
– Confusion
– Hallucination
– Anxiety
– Delusion
Some Individuals develop Hypomania Which Is Inappropriate Sexual Behavior; "Dirty Old Man", "Flashers"
Prefention of Parkinson :
• Sports
• Avoid Stress
Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs the sufferer's motor skills , speech, and other functions.
2. Etiology
Cerebral atherosclerosis
Viral encephalitis
Side effects of several antipsychotic drugs (i.e., phenothiazides, butyrophenones, reserpine)
3. Symptoms
L Dopa Fairly Effective in Eliminating Most of the Symptoms of Parkinson Disease
Bradykinesia and Rigidity Quickly Respond to L Dopa
Reduction in Tremor Effect with Continued Therapy
L Dopa less Effective in Eliminating Postural Instability and Shuffling Gait Meaning Other Neurotransmitters Are Involved in Parkinson Disease
4. Treathment
Treatment Is to reduce Dose and Put Person on Drug Holiday Where Stop All Medication for 3-21 Days and Then Slowly Reinitiate Therapy to Gradually increasing doses.
Long Term Therapy
Behavioral Disturbances in 20 to 25% of Population
Trouble in Thinking (Cognitive Effects)
L Dopa Can Induce:
– Psychosis
– Confusion
– Hallucination
– Anxiety
– Delusion
Some Individuals develop Hypomania Which Is Inappropriate Sexual Behavior; "Dirty Old Man", "Flashers"
Prefention of Parkinson :
• Sports
• Avoid Stress
Definition of Gout
Gout, also called crystal-induced arthritis, is an arthritic condition that occurs when uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. Gout usually affects the large joint of the big toe, but can also affect other joints, such as the knee, ankle, foot, hand, wrist and elbow. In rare cases, it may later affect the shoulders, hips or spine. Gout does not spread from joint to joint.
Description of Gout
Uric acid is a substance that normally forms when the body breaks down waste products (called purines). Uric acid is usually dissolved in the blood and passes through the kidneys into the urine. For people with gout, the uric acid level in the blood is so high that uric acid crystals form and deposit in joints and other tissues. This causes the joint lining to become inflamed, resulting in sudden and severe attacks of pain, tenderness, redness and warmth.
After several years, the crystals can build up in the joints and surrounding tissues, forming large deposits, called tophi. Tophi look like lumps under the skin and are often found in or near severely affected joints, on or near the elbow, over the fingers and toes, and in the outer edge of the ear.
Another condition, called pseudogout, is caused by deposits of calcium-based (instead of urate-based) crystals in the joints.
Causes and Risk Factors of Gout
In about 90 percent of all cases, gout is prevalent in men older than 40 and in menopausal women. An "episode" often occurs overnight, and within 12 to 24 hours, there is severe pain and swelling in the affected joint. The episode usually lasts about five to 10 days.
Although the exact cause is unknown, gout may be caused by:
• genetic defect in metabolism, which causes overproduction and retention of uric acid
• kidney impairment that prevents normal elimination of uric acid
• thiazide diuretic medications (water pills) used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure
• diseases of the blood cells and blood-forming organs, certain cancers and psoriasis
• environmental factors, such as obesity, alcohol abuse and a purine-rich diet.
An episode of gout can be triggered by:
• drinking too much alcohol
• eating too much of the wrong foods
• surgery
• sudden, severe illness
• crash diets
• injury to a joint
• chemotherapy.
Symptoms of Gout
Gout generally occurs in four (4) stages (asymptomatic, acute, intercritical and chronic) and has the following signs and symptoms:
Asymptomatic stage - urate levels rise in the blood, but produces no symptoms
Acute stage - symptoms usually lasting five to 10 days
• sudden attack of joint pain
• swelling
• joints feel hot, tender and look dusty red or bruised
Intercritical stage - symptom-free intervals between gout episodes. Most people have a second attack from six months to two years, while others are symptom-free for five to 10 years.
Chronic stage
• persistently painful joints with large urate deposits in the cartilage, membranes between the bones, tendons and soft tissues
• skin over the deposits develop sores and release a white pus
• joint stiffness
• limited motion of affect joint
Diagnosis of Gout
The diagnosis of gout is based on symptoms, blood tests showing high levels of uric acid, and the finding of urate crystals in joint fluid. In chronic gout, x-rays show damage to the cartilage and bones.
Treatment of Gout
Currently, there is no cure for gout, but through proper diet, a healthy lifestyle and medications, the symptoms of gout can be relieved and further episodes eliminated.
Proper diet
• Avoid or restrict foods high in purine (a substance that produces uric acid when broken down). These foods include: sardines, anchovies, brains, liver, kidneys, tripe, sweetbreads, tongue, shellfish (mussels and oysters), fish roe, scallops, peas, lentils, beans and an excessive amount of red meat.
• Drink 10 to 12 eight-ounce glasses of non-alcoholic fluids daily.
Healthy lifestyle
• Reduce alcohol consumption
• Lose weight
Using medications for gout can be complicated, because the treatment needs to be tailored for each person and may need to be changed from time to time.
To relieve the pain and swelling of an acute attack, the doctor may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), colchicine, corticosteroid drugs, and/or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).
To prevent future attacks, the doctor may recommend colchicine, probenecid (Benemid, Parbenem or Probalan), sulfinpyrazone (Anturane), or allopurinol (Lopurin, Zurinol or Zyloprim).
To prevent or treat tophi, probenecid, sulfinpyrazone and allopurinol are recommended.
All of these drugs are powerful, so the patient needs to understand why they are taking them, what side effects may occur and what to do if they have problems with the medication.
Prevention of Gout
To lower risk factors, consider:
• supervised weight-loss program with exercise (if the patient is overweight)
• avoiding a purine-rich diet
• avoiding alcohol consumption, especially binge drinking
• changing to another drug, if taking diuretics for hypertension
Gout, also called crystal-induced arthritis, is an arthritic condition that occurs when uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. Gout usually affects the large joint of the big toe, but can also affect other joints, such as the knee, ankle, foot, hand, wrist and elbow. In rare cases, it may later affect the shoulders, hips or spine. Gout does not spread from joint to joint.
Description of Gout
Uric acid is a substance that normally forms when the body breaks down waste products (called purines). Uric acid is usually dissolved in the blood and passes through the kidneys into the urine. For people with gout, the uric acid level in the blood is so high that uric acid crystals form and deposit in joints and other tissues. This causes the joint lining to become inflamed, resulting in sudden and severe attacks of pain, tenderness, redness and warmth.
After several years, the crystals can build up in the joints and surrounding tissues, forming large deposits, called tophi. Tophi look like lumps under the skin and are often found in or near severely affected joints, on or near the elbow, over the fingers and toes, and in the outer edge of the ear.
Another condition, called pseudogout, is caused by deposits of calcium-based (instead of urate-based) crystals in the joints.
Causes and Risk Factors of Gout
In about 90 percent of all cases, gout is prevalent in men older than 40 and in menopausal women. An "episode" often occurs overnight, and within 12 to 24 hours, there is severe pain and swelling in the affected joint. The episode usually lasts about five to 10 days.
Although the exact cause is unknown, gout may be caused by:
• genetic defect in metabolism, which causes overproduction and retention of uric acid
• kidney impairment that prevents normal elimination of uric acid
• thiazide diuretic medications (water pills) used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure
• diseases of the blood cells and blood-forming organs, certain cancers and psoriasis
• environmental factors, such as obesity, alcohol abuse and a purine-rich diet.
An episode of gout can be triggered by:
• drinking too much alcohol
• eating too much of the wrong foods
• surgery
• sudden, severe illness
• crash diets
• injury to a joint
• chemotherapy.
Symptoms of Gout
Gout generally occurs in four (4) stages (asymptomatic, acute, intercritical and chronic) and has the following signs and symptoms:
Asymptomatic stage - urate levels rise in the blood, but produces no symptoms
Acute stage - symptoms usually lasting five to 10 days
• sudden attack of joint pain
• swelling
• joints feel hot, tender and look dusty red or bruised
Intercritical stage - symptom-free intervals between gout episodes. Most people have a second attack from six months to two years, while others are symptom-free for five to 10 years.
Chronic stage
• persistently painful joints with large urate deposits in the cartilage, membranes between the bones, tendons and soft tissues
• skin over the deposits develop sores and release a white pus
• joint stiffness
• limited motion of affect joint
Diagnosis of Gout
The diagnosis of gout is based on symptoms, blood tests showing high levels of uric acid, and the finding of urate crystals in joint fluid. In chronic gout, x-rays show damage to the cartilage and bones.
Treatment of Gout
Currently, there is no cure for gout, but through proper diet, a healthy lifestyle and medications, the symptoms of gout can be relieved and further episodes eliminated.
Proper diet
• Avoid or restrict foods high in purine (a substance that produces uric acid when broken down). These foods include: sardines, anchovies, brains, liver, kidneys, tripe, sweetbreads, tongue, shellfish (mussels and oysters), fish roe, scallops, peas, lentils, beans and an excessive amount of red meat.
• Drink 10 to 12 eight-ounce glasses of non-alcoholic fluids daily.
Healthy lifestyle
• Reduce alcohol consumption
• Lose weight
Using medications for gout can be complicated, because the treatment needs to be tailored for each person and may need to be changed from time to time.
To relieve the pain and swelling of an acute attack, the doctor may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), colchicine, corticosteroid drugs, and/or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).
To prevent future attacks, the doctor may recommend colchicine, probenecid (Benemid, Parbenem or Probalan), sulfinpyrazone (Anturane), or allopurinol (Lopurin, Zurinol or Zyloprim).
To prevent or treat tophi, probenecid, sulfinpyrazone and allopurinol are recommended.
All of these drugs are powerful, so the patient needs to understand why they are taking them, what side effects may occur and what to do if they have problems with the medication.
Prevention of Gout
To lower risk factors, consider:
• supervised weight-loss program with exercise (if the patient is overweight)
• avoiding a purine-rich diet
• avoiding alcohol consumption, especially binge drinking
• changing to another drug, if taking diuretics for hypertension
1.Concep Of Pharalysis
Also called: Hemiplegia, Palsy, Paraplegia, Quadriplegia
Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in part of your body. It happens when something goes wrong with the way messages pass between your brain and muscles. Paralysis can be complete or partial. It can occur on one or both sides of your body. It can also occur in just one area, or it can be widespread. Paralysis of the lower half of your body, including both legs, is called paraplegia. Paralysis of the arms and legs is quadriplegia.
Most paralysis is due to strokes or injuries such as spinal cord injury or a broken neck. Other causes of paralysis include
• Nerve diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
• Autoimmune diseases such as Guillain-Barre syndrome
• Bell's palsy, which affects muscles in the face
2.Causes of Paralysis:
What are the causes of paralysis?
As explained above, paralysis is caused by something being wrong with the nerves that activate muscles. Another word for nerve is neurone. The nerves that send the electrical messages, or impulses, to muscles to make them move or contract are called motor neurones. When we move a part of our body two types of motor neurone are involved in getting the relevant muscles to move: the upper and lower neurones. The upper motor neurone conveys the impulse from the brain to lower down in the nervous system where it connects with the lower motor neurone. The lower motor neurone then provides the final path for the signal to reach the muscle.
The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Paralysis symptoms. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.
1. Some causes of sudden paralysis include:
a. Stroke
b. Transient ischemic attack
c. Head injury
d. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
e. Hysteria
f. Spinal cord injury
g. Arterial blockage
2. Some causes of slow-onset paralysis include:
a. Nerve compression
b. Nerve entrapment
c. Tumors
d. Brain tumor
e. Multiple sclerosis
f. Muscular dystrophy
g. Guillain-Barre syndrome
h. Vitamin B12 deficiency
i. Motor neurone disease
j. Poliomyelitis
3. Psychological disorders that may cause paralysis type symptoms include:
a. Parasomnias
b. Depersonalization disorders
4. Causes of specific types of paralysis depend on the location:
a. See facial paralysis
5. Other types of symptoms that may be similar to paralysis symptoms or imprecisely described as paralysis include:
a. Catatonic
b. Parasthesias
c. Tingling symptoms
d. Weakness
e. Muscle weakness
6. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
7. Bell's palsy
8. Brain abscess
9. Cerebrovascular accident
10. Conversion disorder
11. Encephalitis
12. Guillain-Barré syndrome
13. Head trauma
14. Myasthenia gravis
15. Parkinson's disease
16. Peripheral neuropathy
17. Rabies
18. Seizure disorders
19. Spinal cord tumors
20. Electroconvulsive therapy
3.Paralysis symptoms
Some of the possible common medical causes of Paralysis symptoms may include:
• Diabetes mellitus
• Chronic nerve root compression
• Radiculopathy
• Spinal arthritis
• Disc diseases
• Hypothyroidism
• Vitamin B12 deficiency
• Trauma
• Crush injuries
• Heavy metals
• Arthritis
• Systemic lupus erythematosus
• Polyarteritis nodosa
• Sjogren's syndrome
• Lead poisoning
• Mercury poisoning
• Chemotherapy
• Antibioticsmalignan
Functional Electrical Stimulation
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) applies small electrical pulses to paralyzed muscles to restore or improve their function. FES is commonly used for exercise, but also to assist with breathing, grasping, transferring, standing and walking. FES can help some to improve bladder and bowel function. There's evidence that FES helps reduce the frequency of pressure sores.
Bladder or bowel FES:
Sacral stimulators are surgically implanted FES systems for on-demand control of the paralyzed bladder and bowel; these have been implanted in more than 1,500 paralyzed people, mostly in Europe. The stimulator, called the Finetech-Brindley device, has a strong track record for improving bladder and bowel control in the vast majority of users.
In 1999 a company called NeuroControl licensed the Brindley system and got FDA approval as the Vocare system. A company called NDI Medical more recently obtained the marketing rights to Vocare in the United States. See
Upper extremity:
About 15 years ago the FDA also approved an FES implant system to restores some hand and arm function to quads. The FreeHand system was well liked by the quads who used it; they gained significant function in grip, writing, eating, computer work, etc. Alas, NeuroControl dropped this from the market.
There is a commercially available device called Parastep that is FDA approved for some paraplegics (T4 to T12 ) for "ambulation." Parastep, which has been approved by Medicare for reimbursement, facilitates gait by firing leg muscles; a front-wheeled walker fitted with a control pad is used. Contact
The future:
Brain-wave communication, it's the next big leap in neuroprosthetics and it's nearly here: in clinical trials, people area already controlling computer cursors and opening email with just their thoughts. Monkeys can precisely move robotic arms using only brain waves.
BrainGate is an investigational brain implant system from a biotech company called Cyberkinetics that places a computer chip into the brain; this monitors brain activity and converts the intention of the user into computer commands. The company is currently recruiting people with spinal cord injury, stroke or muscular dystrophy conditions for pilot clinical trials in Boston, Chicago and Rhode Island. Call the company for more:
Secondary Conditions
Basic Conditions
Find out about the resources available on the various aspects of paralysis that are common to many conditions.
Autonomic Dysreflexia
Autonomic dysreflexia (AD) is a potentially life threatening condition that can be considered a medical emergency. It mainly affects people with injuries at T-5 or higher.
AD requires quick and correct action. Serious AD can lead to a stroke. Because many health professionals are not familiar with this condition it is important for people who are at risk for AD,
The signs of AD include:
* High blood pressure
* Pounding headache, flushed face
* Sweating above level of spinal injury
* Nasal stuffiness, nausea
* Slow pulse, lower than 60 beats per minute
* Goose flesh below level of spinal injury
Bladder Management
Paralysis at any level almost always affects bladder and bowel function. This is because the nerves controlling these internal organs are attached to the very base of the spinal cord (levels S2–4) and are therefore cut off from brain input.
Although it may not be possible to regain the same control one had before paralysis, a wide range of techniques and tools are available to manage bladder and bowel function.
Bowel Care
Paralysis often damages the nerves that control the bowel. If the injury is above the T-12 level, the ability to sense a full rectum may be lost. The anal sphincter remains tight, however, so bowel movements will occur on a reflex basis. This means that when the rectum is full, the defecation reflex will occur. This is called an upper motor neuron or reflex bowel. It is managed by triggering the defecation reflex at socially appropriate times an
Found two or three times more often among people who are paralyzed than among the nondisabled – it is common but not normal. d places.
Respiratory Health
Lungs are not affected by paralysis. However, the muscles of the chest, abdomen, and diaphragm can be affected. As the various breathing muscles contract, they allow the lungs to expand, which changes the pressure inside the chest so that air rushes into the lungs. This is inhaling – which requires muscle strength. As those same muscles relax, the air flows back out of your lungs, and you exhale.
If paralysis occurs at the C-3 level or higher, the phrenic nerve is no longer stimulated and therefore the diaphragm does not function. This means mechanical assistance -- usually a ventilator – will be needed to breathe.
ExGot arm, shoulder or wrist pain? If you're pushing a wheelchair, you are not alone. About half of those with spinal cord injury eventually experience upper extremity pain. It doesn't have to be so… with knowledge, the right equipment, exercise and care you can preserve arms and shoulders for the long-term, and avoid pain. tremity Care
5.Paralysis interventions
(Handbook of Signs & Symptoms (Third Edition))
If paralysis has developed suddenly, suspect trauma or an acute vascular insult. After ensuring that the patient’s spine is properly immobilized, quickly determine his level of consciousness (LOC) and take his vital signs. Elevated systolic blood pressure, widening pulse pressure, and bradycardia may signal increasing intracranial pressure (ICP). If possible, elevate the patient’s head 30 degrees to decrease ICP, and attempt to keep his head straight and facing forward.
Evaluate the patient’s respiratory status, and be prepared to administer oxygen, insert an artificial airway, or provide intubation and mechanical ventilation, as needed. To help determine the nature of the patient’s injury, ask him for an account of the precipitating events. If he can’t respond, try to find an eyewitness.
6.Treatments for Paralysis
The list of treatments mentioned in various sources for Paralysis includes the following list. Always seek professional medical advice about any treatment or change in treatment plans.
• Potassium - possibly used for related potassium deficiency
2.Facial Paralysis: Treatment
(In A Page: Pediatric Signs and Symptoms)
• Treat underlying cause, if identified
–E.g., tympanomastoidectomy for cholesteatoma, resection or chemoradiation for malignancy
• Psychological counseling when studies indicate expected poor prognosis:
• Eye care
–Prevent exposure and drying of eye: Artificial tears, lubricating ointment, and moisture chamber at night
–Ophthalmologic exam to rule out exposure keratitis
–Surgical correction: Tarsorrhaphy, upper lid gold weight or spring placement
• Pharmacologic
–Steroids: Recommended, but exact benefit unclear
–Acyclovir: Suspected viral etiology of Bell palsy
• Surgery
–Facial nerve decompression
–Facial reanimation procedures (nerve and/or muscle grafting and/or transpositions)
3.Bells Palsy Treatment
Symptoms of Bells palsy can occur in many different forms, from excessive tearing or dryness of the eyes, drooping eyelids and corners of the mouth, or facial ticks, to weakness and even total paralysis of one or, rarely, both sides of the face. Bells palsy treatment at the Institute for Advanced Reconstruction can effectively address these problems and restore normal function to your face.
here is no cure or standard course of treatment for Bell's palsy. The most important factor in treatment is to eliminate the source of the nerve damage. Some cases are mild and do not require treatment since the symptoms usually subside on their own within 2 weeks. For others, treatment may include medications such as acyclovir -- used to fight viral infections -- combined with an anti-inflammatory drug such as the steroid prednisone -- used to reduce inflammation and swelling. Analgesics such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen may relieve pain, but because of possible drug interactions, patients should always talk to their doctors before taking any over-the-counter medicines.
Physical therapy to stimulate the facial nerve and help maintain muscle tone may be beneficial to some. Facial massage and exercises may help prevent permanent contractures (shrinkage or shortening of muscles) of the paralyzed muscles before recovery takes place. Moist heat applied to the affected side of the face may help reduce pain.
• Other therapies
Other therapies that may be useful for some individuals include relaxation techniques, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, biofeedback training, and vitamin therapy (including vitamin B12, B6, and zinc), which may help nerve growth.
Prevention of Paralysis:
• Reguler Exercise
• Avoid stress
1.Concep Of Pharalysis
Also called: Hemiplegia, Palsy, Paraplegia, Quadriplegia
Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in part of your body. It happens when something goes wrong with the way messages pass between your brain and muscles. Paralysis can be complete or partial. It can occur on one or both sides of your body. It can also occur in just one area, or it can be widespread. Paralysis of the lower half of your body, including both legs, is called paraplegia. Paralysis of the arms and legs is quadriplegia.
Most paralysis is due to strokes or injuries such as spinal cord injury or a broken neck. Other causes of paralysis include
• Nerve diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
• Autoimmune diseases such as Guillain-Barre syndrome
• Bell's palsy, which affects muscles in the face
2.Causes of Paralysis:
What are the causes of paralysis?
As explained above, paralysis is caused by something being wrong with the nerves that activate muscles. Another word for nerve is neurone. The nerves that send the electrical messages, or impulses, to muscles to make them move or contract are called motor neurones. When we move a part of our body two types of motor neurone are involved in getting the relevant muscles to move: the upper and lower neurones. The upper motor neurone conveys the impulse from the brain to lower down in the nervous system where it connects with the lower motor neurone. The lower motor neurone then provides the final path for the signal to reach the muscle.
The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Paralysis symptoms. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.
1. Some causes of sudden paralysis include:
a. Stroke
b. Transient ischemic attack
c. Head injury
d. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
e. Hysteria
f. Spinal cord injury
g. Arterial blockage
2. Some causes of slow-onset paralysis include:
a. Nerve compression
b. Nerve entrapment
c. Tumors
d. Brain tumor
e. Multiple sclerosis
f. Muscular dystrophy
g. Guillain-Barre syndrome
h. Vitamin B12 deficiency
i. Motor neurone disease
j. Poliomyelitis
3. Psychological disorders that may cause paralysis type symptoms include:
a. Parasomnias
b. Depersonalization disorders
4. Causes of specific types of paralysis depend on the location:
a. See facial paralysis
5. Other types of symptoms that may be similar to paralysis symptoms or imprecisely described as paralysis include:
a. Catatonic
b. Parasthesias
c. Tingling symptoms
d. Weakness
e. Muscle weakness
6. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
7. Bell's palsy
8. Brain abscess
9. Cerebrovascular accident
10. Conversion disorder
11. Encephalitis
12. Guillain-Barré syndrome
13. Head trauma
14. Myasthenia gravis
15. Parkinson's disease
16. Peripheral neuropathy
17. Rabies
18. Seizure disorders
19. Spinal cord tumors
20. Electroconvulsive therapy
3.Paralysis symptoms
Some of the possible common medical causes of Paralysis symptoms may include:
• Diabetes mellitus
• Chronic nerve root compression
• Radiculopathy
• Spinal arthritis
• Disc diseases
• Hypothyroidism
• Vitamin B12 deficiency
• Trauma
• Crush injuries
• Heavy metals
• Arthritis
• Systemic lupus erythematosus
• Polyarteritis nodosa
• Sjogren's syndrome
• Lead poisoning
• Mercury poisoning
• Chemotherapy
• Antibioticsmalignan
Functional Electrical Stimulation
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) applies small electrical pulses to paralyzed muscles to restore or improve their function. FES is commonly used for exercise, but also to assist with breathing, grasping, transferring, standing and walking. FES can help some to improve bladder and bowel function. There's evidence that FES helps reduce the frequency of pressure sores.
Bladder or bowel FES:
Sacral stimulators are surgically implanted FES systems for on-demand control of the paralyzed bladder and bowel; these have been implanted in more than 1,500 paralyzed people, mostly in Europe. The stimulator, called the Finetech-Brindley device, has a strong track record for improving bladder and bowel control in the vast majority of users.
In 1999 a company called NeuroControl licensed the Brindley system and got FDA approval as the Vocare system. A company called NDI Medical more recently obtained the marketing rights to Vocare in the United States. See
Upper extremity:
About 15 years ago the FDA also approved an FES implant system to restores some hand and arm function to quads. The FreeHand system was well liked by the quads who used it; they gained significant function in grip, writing, eating, computer work, etc. Alas, NeuroControl dropped this from the market.
There is a commercially available device called Parastep that is FDA approved for some paraplegics (T4 to T12 ) for "ambulation." Parastep, which has been approved by Medicare for reimbursement, facilitates gait by firing leg muscles; a front-wheeled walker fitted with a control pad is used. Contact
The future:
Brain-wave communication, it's the next big leap in neuroprosthetics and it's nearly here: in clinical trials, people area already controlling computer cursors and opening email with just their thoughts. Monkeys can precisely move robotic arms using only brain waves.
BrainGate is an investigational brain implant system from a biotech company called Cyberkinetics that places a computer chip into the brain; this monitors brain activity and converts the intention of the user into computer commands. The company is currently recruiting people with spinal cord injury, stroke or muscular dystrophy conditions for pilot clinical trials in Boston, Chicago and Rhode Island. Call the company for more:
Secondary Conditions
Basic Conditions
Find out about the resources available on the various aspects of paralysis that are common to many conditions.
Autonomic Dysreflexia
Autonomic dysreflexia (AD) is a potentially life threatening condition that can be considered a medical emergency. It mainly affects people with injuries at T-5 or higher.
AD requires quick and correct action. Serious AD can lead to a stroke. Because many health professionals are not familiar with this condition it is important for people who are at risk for AD,
The signs of AD include:
* High blood pressure
* Pounding headache, flushed face
* Sweating above level of spinal injury
* Nasal stuffiness, nausea
* Slow pulse, lower than 60 beats per minute
* Goose flesh below level of spinal injury
Bladder Management
Paralysis at any level almost always affects bladder and bowel function. This is because the nerves controlling these internal organs are attached to the very base of the spinal cord (levels S2–4) and are therefore cut off from brain input.
Although it may not be possible to regain the same control one had before paralysis, a wide range of techniques and tools are available to manage bladder and bowel function.
Bowel Care
Paralysis often damages the nerves that control the bowel. If the injury is above the T-12 level, the ability to sense a full rectum may be lost. The anal sphincter remains tight, however, so bowel movements will occur on a reflex basis. This means that when the rectum is full, the defecation reflex will occur. This is called an upper motor neuron or reflex bowel. It is managed by triggering the defecation reflex at socially appropriate times an
Found two or three times more often among people who are paralyzed than among the nondisabled – it is common but not normal. d places.
Respiratory Health
Lungs are not affected by paralysis. However, the muscles of the chest, abdomen, and diaphragm can be affected. As the various breathing muscles contract, they allow the lungs to expand, which changes the pressure inside the chest so that air rushes into the lungs. This is inhaling – which requires muscle strength. As those same muscles relax, the air flows back out of your lungs, and you exhale.
If paralysis occurs at the C-3 level or higher, the phrenic nerve is no longer stimulated and therefore the diaphragm does not function. This means mechanical assistance -- usually a ventilator – will be needed to breathe.
ExGot arm, shoulder or wrist pain? If you're pushing a wheelchair, you are not alone. About half of those with spinal cord injury eventually experience upper extremity pain. It doesn't have to be so… with knowledge, the right equipment, exercise and care you can preserve arms and shoulders for the long-term, and avoid pain. tremity Care
5.Paralysis interventions
(Handbook of Signs & Symptoms (Third Edition))
If paralysis has developed suddenly, suspect trauma or an acute vascular insult. After ensuring that the patient’s spine is properly immobilized, quickly determine his level of consciousness (LOC) and take his vital signs. Elevated systolic blood pressure, widening pulse pressure, and bradycardia may signal increasing intracranial pressure (ICP). If possible, elevate the patient’s head 30 degrees to decrease ICP, and attempt to keep his head straight and facing forward.
Evaluate the patient’s respiratory status, and be prepared to administer oxygen, insert an artificial airway, or provide intubation and mechanical ventilation, as needed. To help determine the nature of the patient’s injury, ask him for an account of the precipitating events. If he can’t respond, try to find an eyewitness.
6.Treatments for Paralysis
The list of treatments mentioned in various sources for Paralysis includes the following list. Always seek professional medical advice about any treatment or change in treatment plans.
• Potassium - possibly used for related potassium deficiency
2.Facial Paralysis: Treatment
(In A Page: Pediatric Signs and Symptoms)
• Treat underlying cause, if identified
–E.g., tympanomastoidectomy for cholesteatoma, resection or chemoradiation for malignancy
• Psychological counseling when studies indicate expected poor prognosis:
• Eye care
–Prevent exposure and drying of eye: Artificial tears, lubricating ointment, and moisture chamber at night
–Ophthalmologic exam to rule out exposure keratitis
–Surgical correction: Tarsorrhaphy, upper lid gold weight or spring placement
• Pharmacologic
–Steroids: Recommended, but exact benefit unclear
–Acyclovir: Suspected viral etiology of Bell palsy
• Surgery
–Facial nerve decompression
–Facial reanimation procedures (nerve and/or muscle grafting and/or transpositions)
3.Bells Palsy Treatment
Symptoms of Bells palsy can occur in many different forms, from excessive tearing or dryness of the eyes, drooping eyelids and corners of the mouth, or facial ticks, to weakness and even total paralysis of one or, rarely, both sides of the face. Bells palsy treatment at the Institute for Advanced Reconstruction can effectively address these problems and restore normal function to your face.
here is no cure or standard course of treatment for Bell's palsy. The most important factor in treatment is to eliminate the source of the nerve damage. Some cases are mild and do not require treatment since the symptoms usually subside on their own within 2 weeks. For others, treatment may include medications such as acyclovir -- used to fight viral infections -- combined with an anti-inflammatory drug such as the steroid prednisone -- used to reduce inflammation and swelling. Analgesics such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen may relieve pain, but because of possible drug interactions, patients should always talk to their doctors before taking any over-the-counter medicines.
Physical therapy to stimulate the facial nerve and help maintain muscle tone may be beneficial to some. Facial massage and exercises may help prevent permanent contractures (shrinkage or shortening of muscles) of the paralyzed muscles before recovery takes place. Moist heat applied to the affected side of the face may help reduce pain.
• Other therapies
Other therapies that may be useful for some individuals include relaxation techniques, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, biofeedback training, and vitamin therapy (including vitamin B12, B6, and zinc), which may help nerve growth.
Prevention of Paralysis:
• Reguler Exercise
• Avoid stress
Herpes Disease
Genital herpes is genital infection with typical symptoms of clustered vesicles with a recurrent basis is eritem. Genital herpes occur in the genitals and surrounding areas (buttocks, anal area and thighs).
There are two types of HSV: HSV-1 and HSV-2 and both can cause genital herpes. HSV-2 infection is often transmitted through sexual contact and can lead to recurrence and a painful genital ulceration. Type 1 is usually on the mouth and type 2 of the genital area. HSV can cause a series of illnesses, ranging from ginggivostomatitis to keratokonjungtivitis, encephalitis, venereal disease and infection in neonates. Complications are the subject of thought and attention of several experts,
Herpes simplex-oral facial usually heal themselves. But in patients with low immunity, can be found in lesions of severe and extensive ulcer pain in the mouth and esophagus.
2. Etiology
Genital herpes caused by HSV or herpes virus hominis (HVH), which is a member of the family Herpesviridae. As for the types of HSV:
Herpes simplex virus type I:
In general, causing lesions or sores around the face, lips, mouth mucosa, and neck.
Herpes simplex virus type II:
Generally causes genital lesions and surrounding areas (buttocks, anal area and thighs).
Herpes simplex virus belonging to the herpes family of viruses, in addition to HSV which is also included in this group are Epstein Barr (mono) and varicella-zoster virus that causes herpes zoster and varicella. Most cases of genital herpes caused by HSV-2, but did not rule out HSV-1 causes the same abnormalities.
Generally caused by HSV-2 is primarily transmitted through vaginal or anal sex. Some of this year, HSV-1 has been more often also causes genital herpes. Genital HSV-1 spread through oral sex with a cold sore in the mouth or lips, but
Trigger these include trauma or coitus, fever, physical or emotional stress, UV light, indigestion, food allergies and medications, and some cases no clear cause. Transmission is almost always through good relations seksul genital genito, ano genital genital or oro.
By HSV infection may be latent without clinical symptoms and the group responsible for the spread of disease. Infection with HSV virus starting from contact with the mucosa (orofaring, cervix, conjunctiva) or skin abrasion. Viral replication in epidermal cells cause destruction of the dermis daan cellular and keradangan.
3. Symptoms
Initial infection of 63% HSV-2 and 37% HSV-1 is asymptomatic. Symptoms of early infection (during the initial episode took place at the time of initial infection) symptoms typically appear between 3 to 9 days after infection, although asymptomatic infection is slowly in the first year after diagnosis will be undertaken in approximately 15% of cases of HSV-2. Initials episode which is also a primary infection can progress to more severe. HSV-1 and HSV-2 rather difficult to distinguish.
The main signs of genital herpes is wound around the vagina, penis, or in the anal region. Sometimes the wounds of genital herpes appear on the scrotum, buttocks or thighs. The wound may appear around 4-7 days after infection.
Symptoms of Herpes Outbreaks also called, appeared in two weeks after an infected person and can only take place for several weeks. The symptoms are as follows:
Pain and dysuria
Urethral and vaginal discharge
Systemic symptoms (malaise, fever, myalgias, headache)
Painful lymphadenopathy in the inguinal area
Pain in the rectum, tenesmus
Sign :
Eritem, vesicles, pustul, multiple ulceration, erosion, lesions with krusta depending on the level of infection.
Inguinal lymphadenopathy
a. Primary genital herpes
Primary infection usually occurs a week after sexual intercourse (including oral or anal contact). But it is more common after a long interval, and usually half of the cases showed no symptoms. Eruption may be preceded by prodormal symptoms, which led to wrong diagnosis of influenza. Papul a small lesion on the basis eritem and develop into vesicles and quickly form a superficial erosion or ulceration that is not pain, more often on the glans penis, preputium, and the frenulum, penile corpus is more rarely seen.
b. Recurrent genital herpes
After primary infection clinical or subclinical, at a time when there are trigger factors, the virus will undergo reactivation and multiplication of return so that there was more recurrences, at that time in the host's specific antibody, so there is disorder and symptoms arise not as heavy as the primary infection.
Trigger factors include: trauma, excessive coitus, fever, indigestion, fatigue, stimulating food, alcohol, and some cases difficult to know the cause. In most people, the virus can become active and cause Outbreaks several times a year. HSV abode in nerve cells in our body, when the virus is triggered to be active, it will move from the nerves to the skin. Then multiply and injuries can occur at the scene of the Outbreaks.
Regarding the clinical picture of herpes progenitalis: gejaia clinical progenital herpes can be mild to severe depending on the stage of disease and immunity of the host. Disease stage include:
Primary infection - latent stage - virus replication - Recurrent stage
Clinical manifestations of HSV infection depends on the place, and host immune status. Primary infection with HSV develop in people who have not had previous immunity against HSV-1 or HSV -2, which usually becomes more severe, with symptoms and signs of systemic and often causes complications.
Various clinical manifestations:
1) oro-facial infection
2) genital infections
3) other skin infections
4) ocular infection
5) disorders neurologist
6) decreased immunity
7) Neonatal herpes
4. Treatment
There is no cure that can eradicate herpes virus from the body, but antiviral medications can reduce the frequency, duration, and severity of Outbreaks. Antiviral drugs also reduce asymptomatic shedding; it is believed asymptomatic genital HSV-2 viral shedding occurs on 20% of days per year in patients not Undergoing antiviral treatment, versus 10% of days while on antiviral therapy. Non-prescription analgesics can reduce pain and fever during initial Outbreaks. Topical anesthetic treatments such as prilocaine, lidocaine or tetracaine can also relieve itching and pain.
Management of genital HERPES
Until now there has been no satisfactory drug therapy for genital herpes, but treatment generally need to be considered, such as:
local hygiene
avoiding trauma or trigger
The use of idoxuridine treatment of herpes simplex lesions locally for 5% to 40% in dimethyl sulphoxide is very useful. However, this treatment has some side effects, including the patient will experience great pain, skin maceration can also genital HERPES PREVENTION
Until now there is no effective material to prevent HSV. Condoms can reduce the transmission of the disease, but transmission can still occur in areas not covered by a condom during the excretion of the virus. Spermatisida surfactant containing nonoxynol-9 caused by HSV becomes inactive invitro. In addition, the best, do not perform oral genital contact in the situation where there are symptoms or oral herpes is found.
In summary there are 5 major steps for the prevention of genital herpes are:
Educating high-risk person to get genital herpes and other STDs to reduce the transmission of infection.
Detect untreated cases, either symptomatic or asymptomatic.
Diagnose, counsel and treat infected individuals and follow up appropriately.
Evaluation, counsel and treat sexual partners of infected individuals.
Screening with early diagnosis, counseling and treatment important role in prevention.
Provention of Herpes:
•Avaoid freesex
•Faithful to one partner
•Personal hygiene
Genital herpes is genital infection with typical symptoms of clustered vesicles with a recurrent basis is eritem. Genital herpes occur in the genitals and surrounding areas (buttocks, anal area and thighs).
There are two types of HSV: HSV-1 and HSV-2 and both can cause genital herpes. HSV-2 infection is often transmitted through sexual contact and can lead to recurrence and a painful genital ulceration. Type 1 is usually on the mouth and type 2 of the genital area. HSV can cause a series of illnesses, ranging from ginggivostomatitis to keratokonjungtivitis, encephalitis, venereal disease and infection in neonates. Complications are the subject of thought and attention of several experts,
Herpes simplex-oral facial usually heal themselves. But in patients with low immunity, can be found in lesions of severe and extensive ulcer pain in the mouth and esophagus.
2. Etiology
Genital herpes caused by HSV or herpes virus hominis (HVH), which is a member of the family Herpesviridae. As for the types of HSV:
Herpes simplex virus type I:
In general, causing lesions or sores around the face, lips, mouth mucosa, and neck.
Herpes simplex virus type II:
Generally causes genital lesions and surrounding areas (buttocks, anal area and thighs).
Herpes simplex virus belonging to the herpes family of viruses, in addition to HSV which is also included in this group are Epstein Barr (mono) and varicella-zoster virus that causes herpes zoster and varicella. Most cases of genital herpes caused by HSV-2, but did not rule out HSV-1 causes the same abnormalities.
Generally caused by HSV-2 is primarily transmitted through vaginal or anal sex. Some of this year, HSV-1 has been more often also causes genital herpes. Genital HSV-1 spread through oral sex with a cold sore in the mouth or lips, but
Trigger these include trauma or coitus, fever, physical or emotional stress, UV light, indigestion, food allergies and medications, and some cases no clear cause. Transmission is almost always through good relations seksul genital genito, ano genital genital or oro.
By HSV infection may be latent without clinical symptoms and the group responsible for the spread of disease. Infection with HSV virus starting from contact with the mucosa (orofaring, cervix, conjunctiva) or skin abrasion. Viral replication in epidermal cells cause destruction of the dermis daan cellular and keradangan.
3. Symptoms
Initial infection of 63% HSV-2 and 37% HSV-1 is asymptomatic. Symptoms of early infection (during the initial episode took place at the time of initial infection) symptoms typically appear between 3 to 9 days after infection, although asymptomatic infection is slowly in the first year after diagnosis will be undertaken in approximately 15% of cases of HSV-2. Initials episode which is also a primary infection can progress to more severe. HSV-1 and HSV-2 rather difficult to distinguish.
The main signs of genital herpes is wound around the vagina, penis, or in the anal region. Sometimes the wounds of genital herpes appear on the scrotum, buttocks or thighs. The wound may appear around 4-7 days after infection.
Symptoms of Herpes Outbreaks also called, appeared in two weeks after an infected person and can only take place for several weeks. The symptoms are as follows:
Pain and dysuria
Urethral and vaginal discharge
Systemic symptoms (malaise, fever, myalgias, headache)
Painful lymphadenopathy in the inguinal area
Pain in the rectum, tenesmus
Sign :
Eritem, vesicles, pustul, multiple ulceration, erosion, lesions with krusta depending on the level of infection.
Inguinal lymphadenopathy
a. Primary genital herpes
Primary infection usually occurs a week after sexual intercourse (including oral or anal contact). But it is more common after a long interval, and usually half of the cases showed no symptoms. Eruption may be preceded by prodormal symptoms, which led to wrong diagnosis of influenza. Papul a small lesion on the basis eritem and develop into vesicles and quickly form a superficial erosion or ulceration that is not pain, more often on the glans penis, preputium, and the frenulum, penile corpus is more rarely seen.
b. Recurrent genital herpes
After primary infection clinical or subclinical, at a time when there are trigger factors, the virus will undergo reactivation and multiplication of return so that there was more recurrences, at that time in the host's specific antibody, so there is disorder and symptoms arise not as heavy as the primary infection.
Trigger factors include: trauma, excessive coitus, fever, indigestion, fatigue, stimulating food, alcohol, and some cases difficult to know the cause. In most people, the virus can become active and cause Outbreaks several times a year. HSV abode in nerve cells in our body, when the virus is triggered to be active, it will move from the nerves to the skin. Then multiply and injuries can occur at the scene of the Outbreaks.
Regarding the clinical picture of herpes progenitalis: gejaia clinical progenital herpes can be mild to severe depending on the stage of disease and immunity of the host. Disease stage include:
Primary infection - latent stage - virus replication - Recurrent stage
Clinical manifestations of HSV infection depends on the place, and host immune status. Primary infection with HSV develop in people who have not had previous immunity against HSV-1 or HSV -2, which usually becomes more severe, with symptoms and signs of systemic and often causes complications.
Various clinical manifestations:
1) oro-facial infection
2) genital infections
3) other skin infections
4) ocular infection
5) disorders neurologist
6) decreased immunity
7) Neonatal herpes
4. Treatment
There is no cure that can eradicate herpes virus from the body, but antiviral medications can reduce the frequency, duration, and severity of Outbreaks. Antiviral drugs also reduce asymptomatic shedding; it is believed asymptomatic genital HSV-2 viral shedding occurs on 20% of days per year in patients not Undergoing antiviral treatment, versus 10% of days while on antiviral therapy. Non-prescription analgesics can reduce pain and fever during initial Outbreaks. Topical anesthetic treatments such as prilocaine, lidocaine or tetracaine can also relieve itching and pain.
Management of genital HERPES
Until now there has been no satisfactory drug therapy for genital herpes, but treatment generally need to be considered, such as:
local hygiene
avoiding trauma or trigger
The use of idoxuridine treatment of herpes simplex lesions locally for 5% to 40% in dimethyl sulphoxide is very useful. However, this treatment has some side effects, including the patient will experience great pain, skin maceration can also genital HERPES PREVENTION
Until now there is no effective material to prevent HSV. Condoms can reduce the transmission of the disease, but transmission can still occur in areas not covered by a condom during the excretion of the virus. Spermatisida surfactant containing nonoxynol-9 caused by HSV becomes inactive invitro. In addition, the best, do not perform oral genital contact in the situation where there are symptoms or oral herpes is found.
In summary there are 5 major steps for the prevention of genital herpes are:
Educating high-risk person to get genital herpes and other STDs to reduce the transmission of infection.
Detect untreated cases, either symptomatic or asymptomatic.
Diagnose, counsel and treat infected individuals and follow up appropriately.
Evaluation, counsel and treat sexual partners of infected individuals.
Screening with early diagnosis, counseling and treatment important role in prevention.
Provention of Herpes:
•Avaoid freesex
•Faithful to one partner
•Personal hygiene
Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Tokek memiliki beberapa manfaat. Secara tradisional, daging tokek bermanfaat untuk mengobati penyakit asma dan penyakit kulit (gatal-gatal, korengan, kudis, eksim, dll).
Ada beberapa cara mengolah daging tokek untuk pengobatan, pertama tokek diambil untuk dibakar sampai hangus. Setelah itu ditumbuk/dihaluskan agar menjadi bubuk, bubuk tokek tersebut dicampur dengan sedikit kopi dan diseduh dengan air panas, seperti layaknya menyeduh secangkir kopi.
Cara kedua mengolah daging tokek adalah dengan menggoreng daging tokek (sudah dikuliti) dengan menggunakan bumbu-bumbu sesuai dengan selera masing-masing. Tokek yang dijadikan camilan (makan kering), layaknya belut goreng, juga sudah lama ada yang memproduksi dan memperdagangkannya.
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